Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Simplicity 4111 Remix

Simplicity 4111 is a great pattern that I've enjoyed sewing before. My (uhh... and Husband's) one gripe was that the neckline was so low. I lept out of my comfort zone and decided to alter the pattern. I pinned the pattern onto muslin fabric. I raised the neckline center point a few inches and then drew in the curve. Then I traced this new neckline edge to make facings. You can see the height difference and the old/new pattern pieces below.

I love the way this came out! The height is just perfect.

I left the sleeves off and instead created bindings from the extra fabric. Never done that before, either! How do you start/stop your bindings?? Mine is a bit lumpy. Luckily it's hidden when worn. My favorite part is how the facing stripes became this beautiful little perpendicular trim when turned. I couldn't have planned for this to be so nice. Love it!


Rae said...

I had the same problem with this pattern -- I'm not sure how anyone who wasn't completely flat-chested could pull this top off as is without flashing the universe. Great modifications!

Adrienne said...

hubba hubba ... that top was low! Good for you for taking the plunge ... I mean altering the pattern ;-)

Very cute.

Jona Giammalva said...

The low neckline has kept me from repeating this pattern. Thanks for showing us how you raised it up (very flattering)!

The Hudson-Vadnais' said...

So, so nice! I really like this more tailored empire style (vs. the sort of flower child style that's popular)--especially with this good ticking stripe. Your modification has made a really summery, old-fashioned blouse that's very "seashore."

I bind armholes with fabric on sleeveless pieces a lot, and what I do I cut each of the join ends on opposite 45 degree angles and match them up at the join with as a little overlap as possible. This reduces bulk a bit more than just keeping the overlap fold at a minimum.


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