Thursday, June 19, 2008


Yes, I know it's early in the season, but my trip to our local farmer's market today really felt like a bust. There were 3 different produce stands, a bread stand, a meat truck (which I didn't stop at but got a price list... corn fed filets, huh??), and some crazy CD selling guy. Oh, and an older Asian woman doing yoga in the middle of it all. Even though I got strawberries, peaches, and AMAZING pumpkin bread, it's a bust. I think that I saw this little jaunt as a glimmer of hope in my WORK OVERLOADED world. Did I mention that I started work at around 7:30 am and won't be home until 8:30 pm tonight? You understand how much I wanted a little slice of heaven in the middle of the day, right? Sigh. How does my farmer's market experience stack up to what's available by you right now? Please tell me I'm not the only one suffering through with just a pan-flute guy to keep me going!


Adrienne said...

Yo Adrienne (hope that isn't offensive coming from another Adrienne) - thanks for the sewing tip regarding the pattern.

I too had a similar experience at our farmers market this past weekend - NO organic produce ... what? I was so bummmed. Thankfully we are a part of a veggie co-op but I was hoping to supliment midweek. bummer. I am currently scoping out local farms for some meat - the only problem - I have to drive 1 1/2 round trip for most. hmmm .... eat well and burn the petro ... typical.

Patty said...

A pan-flute guy like the one who used to be in those televison commercials? Zamfir or something? Oh my. Our local farmer's market is pretty small and they seem to have more flowers than produce. There was a man hawking 17 kinds of hummus (sp) and I swear he gave me samples of 11 of them. They were all terrific so I went home with three different varieties. They did not last too long at my house!


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